Saturday, October 27, 2012

. Lovebirds in the Leaves . Billy + Heather .

I am realizing that I have taken a lot of photos in such a short amount of time.  I'm going to go ahead and guess that when every dream chasing photographer starts out, they do the same.  And as they perfect their craft, the amount of pictures they take goes down?  Maybe I'm wrong, maybe I'm right but one thing is for sure - I have a whole lot of awesomeness on my computer from shooting Heather and Billy's engagement photos!  And I just can't not share them, because engagement albums are "supposed" to only have so many photos in them.  Therefore while I'm starting out, couples like Billy and Heather seriously luck out.  I mean look at all these photos!  I'm loving all of them!  

Here is part two of their engagement session in Leavenworth, WA.  I love the title of this post, isn't it clever? :)  I think so tehehe.  Lovebirds in the leaves.  And that is exactly what this next series of photographs are.  These two walked, kissed, hugged, held hands, and literally played in the leaves like lovebirds.  The colors were amazing to say the least and that is an understatement.  You're probably thinking, "oh you edited those colors for sure."  Well I'm here to tell you in all honesty, I didn't!  That, is how beautiful Leavenworth is in the fall time!

I love this photo with Trigger, their doggie!

Looking at these makes me want to go out and play in the leaves :)  It is always so hard to pick one and say, "that's my favorite."  However, certain photos do pull on my heart strings a little bit for one reason or another.  Of course, I love them all!  But this last shot in particular, I absolutely love!  The lighting is to die for!  

Sometimes the best shots don't come when I'm setting them up and giving gentle suggestions on what to do.  They come when I am all done shooting and they are walking back to the car, chatting about how not bad that was at all while giggling with each other.  And I'm probably not the first to share this, in order to get shots like these I am sweating my butt off, tehehe.  Running ahead, walking backwards and hoping all those years of strength and conditioning are paying off so I don't trip and fall on my tush!

I have one more photo to share.  This photo was taken at SOUTH at the very beginning of the shoot.  I actually posted it on the first engagement post for Heather and Billy.  But guess what?  I'm constantly learning and with that comes new enhancement skills that I am excited to show off.  I just love this photo of Heather, isn't she gorgeous!  Billy Turner, you are one luck guy.  (As if I have to say that hehe)  Here is Miss Butler!

Like I said earlier, I have a whole lot of awesomeness on my computer.  It's never ending it seems like!  After frolicking in the leaves like kids, we headed down to the river which is a very special place for Heather and Billy.  I am so excited to share those photos in the near future. 

On a side note, I cannot express how much I love doing this.  Am I working?  Really?  Are people seriously going to pay me to do something I love SO much?  I feel like that's when you know you made the right choice in your career path.  When you wake up and are excited to work and are passionate about every minute of it.  For me it's when I take that shot and glance back at the quick view and am smiling from ear to ear with so much happiness because I captured that moment.  And then even better, I have to stop everything, walk over and show the subject in this case Billy and Heather, how fabulous they look.  And then they're excited and happy!  And now we are all smiling and stoked about how awesome they look!  It's a party folks!  

Hold tight for the last series of photographs from their engagement session, you won't want to miss them :)

And of course, leave some love!

~megan kathleen~

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