Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Dream BIG in 2013

I have noticed many artists out there sharing their 2013 goals, the really important tasks they'd like to check off their "to do" list. As I read through everyone else's goals, I can't help but come up with a list of my very own. I have even gotten ideas for myself from reading their list of dreams to come true! So, why not? Why not share my goals, my biggest dreams for 2013?

Megan's Goals for 2013

***find a mentor***
* one for business
* one for photography

- attend two photography workshops
* one on shooting skills
* one on Lightroom workflow/editing

- second or third shoot a wedding with an artist I admire!

- work as an assistant for a wedding photographer to gain an understanding of workflow

- BLOG my travels!!!

- book a senior session

- enter a photo contest

- get a desk and ORGANIZE it :) teehehe!

- give away a family session to a family in need with an amazing story to tell

- outsource web design for an online portfolio that flows with my name and logo aka branding which I am VERY new to this concept!

- create a business name and logo (which I have already started but have not finished!)

- enter another race - I'm long overdue! Maybe the CHELAN MAN?

- order PRINTS of my favorite moments of 2012!!! (because I LOVED 2012!!!)

- create a canvas collage of multiple prints on my empty living room wall! (see above)

There they are! My goals for 2013. Today is day one! I have 364 more days to accomplish this list and I am so excited to do so!

I encourage you to chase your dreams. Don't hold back. Anything. What do you love? What have you always wanted to do but found every excuse under the sun not to? Go do it! You'll love yourself for conquering a challenge and be oh so happy when you get to check it off your "to do" list!

Happy New Year and CHEERS!

Megan Kathleen

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