Happy birthday to my best friend and love, John. Today, he is 27 years....young :)
Our house is filled with a whole lot'a love :) And then.....a birthday comes around. Are we supposed to be extra nice, or extra thankful, and extra giving on birthdays? Well, being the giver that I am, I always do a little something. Last year, I drew my first piece of official artwork on canvas for John and he loved it. But it is a far car from the way I used to go all out for birthdays. Why? Well, because when you celebrate each day and are extra thankful for someone and their life each day the way we are, when a birthday comes around well to be honest, it just seems like another day. I know some of you out there are avid birthday celebrators, and that is awesome! I'm not knocking anyone down here. I'm just speaking from my perspective. I have had and thrown some pretty fun parties in the past, believe me. They may or may not have included half gallons of alcohol, surprises, and limo rides. In my honesty, I feel like sharing this is making me sound old teehehe, but that is okay. If snuggling up on the couch with some wine for a birthday makes me old, I'll take that any ol' day.
Well here he is, the birthday boy. I thought, in celebration of his life, I'd share some of my photos of this wonderful man. (Most of these photos were taken with my little point and shoot and iphone so be easy on the judgement of picture quality) For 27 years young, John has done a lot in his life. I am a pretty proud woman and I know there are others out there just as proud, especially his Mama. He is my best friend, my love, and my travel buddy among many other "labels." We laugh every day at God knows what sometimes, mostly the crazy-out of this world experiences we have shared together. He has picked me up off a coffee shop floor after crashing my scooter in Thailand and he has picked me up when my days are down. He is my number one fan in any dream I aspire and supports me to the fullest. I always tell him, I am the luckiest woman in the world. And he responds with, I am the luckiest man. The love we share, makes it easy to not see him in the summer when he is fighting fire, because I know without a doubt that there is not one, other human being on this planet that is John. And well, it's that simple. He loves his job, and I love him to pieces! So, I support him and his career and others always ask me, "how do you put up with that?" oh boy, I could go on and on about that too but I won't. Let's just say, I don't put up with anything. I choose my life, and I have chosen this route and I love it :)
Okay, enough about our gushy love life. Happy birthday, John. You are loved by many!
If you know John, you know how much he loves animals. This photo below, is one of my all time favorites.
Every man loves a pink helmet.
Love you long time. Happy life day, John :)
. megan kathleen .
These are awesome, Megan!